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January 28, 2011


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Julie Goodale

Love this! Let's hear it for reaching a ripe old Cancer age - I'm 152:)


Do I get 40 points if I lost my hair twice?

Ginny Marie

Too funny! I'm quite young compared to the rest of you, though...I'll be 112 next week!


Love this! Both funny and TRUE!

I seem to be 186 years old, which is high enough thank you very much! ...... but while we're at it, maybe I owe it to my experience to be even older?!....

Riffing on ibcwarriorbabe's idea, shouldn't we rack up more points per diagnosis than just the 5 each? For example:

-3 separate cancers btwn ages 18-50 (not mets... 3 brand new ones) .... do I get 30 points?
-2 separate chemos (with different drug cocktails... and yes I remember them ALL!!), do I get 50 points?
-2 separate radiation courses... 40 points?
-5 separate cancer surgeries..... 50 points?

Wow! Just taking a few seconds to think of all of this quantitatively and with good humor boggles the mind!



Mark Nailor

How funny, I am the ripe old age of 120.

Shirley Corder

Hmm - when I set out to beat cancer, I admit I didn't expect to reach the age of 166! Fun quiz thanks.


Funny, I'm 158 and getting better with age :)


I am 199 years old...Interesting!


Love it! I'm 151, but who's counting? I'm loud and I'm proud to still be around. Thanks for all that you do, and for your sense of humor.

Kate Seldman

Hi Alicia,

It's Kate from Opposing Views. I realize how busy you must be, so I'm just checking to see if you had a chance to consider my earlier email (pasted below for your convenience).

Like you, I receive a large number of requests from web sites, most of which are spam. We publish content from hundreds of renowned expert individuals and groups. I hope you consider joining us...

Kate Wharmby Seldman

Prior email -->

Hello Alicia,

I'm Kate Wharmby Seldman, the Health Editor at Opposing Views (www.opposingviews.com).

We're a growing online news/information platform that publishes expert opinions, analysis, questions and answers from groups such as PETA, the NRDC, the NRA and Amnesty International. Each month hundreds of thousands of readers (and viewers, we also offer video) come to Opposing Views to learn about and discuss important issues.

In an effort to build a significant health and cancer section, we're reaching out to experts on the subject, and I thought Awesome Cancer Survivor would make a strong addition. If you're interested and have the time, we'd like you to become an Opposing Views expert.

What does being an expert mean? Essentially, you give us permission to publish content from your site through an RSS feed or by posting it directly on our site. Your content will reach an even wider audience and we include a byline and links to your site which enhance your position on Google and other search engines. In addition, the majority of our content is carried on Google news, Facebook, Twitter and other news and media sites.

Please contact me with any comments and/or questions, and let me know if you'd like to join us.

Kate Wharmby Seldman
Health and Entertainment Editor
[email protected]
Opposing Views
Los Angeles, CA

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Awesome Cancer Survivor Blogs

  • Women with Cancer
    An excellent place to start to read about the real life side of cancer. Jody Schoger is truly an awesome cancer survivor.
  • Chemo Babe
    I think this says it all - follow along as Chemo Babe kicks cancer! Chemo Babe is an awesome cancer survivor!

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